The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

My wife and I have just spent ten days in Phoenix with George Reed, who was a roommate of mine. Liz and I hosted George and Cheryl here in Cleveland last year for three days. That was the first time I had seen him since 1963. I think I got the better deal! While at the Grand Canyon, we parked beside a car with lion paw prints, and had the joy of talking with him while admiring the canyon. We have also had a chance to visit about ten years ago with Bernie and Eileen Mack. Bernie was also a roommate of mine. Our other contacts have been through Christmas cards and e-mail. Through Bernie and George, I am hoping to reestablish some other contacts. A former secretary of mine just sent me an e-mail to tell me her granddaughter, Kaleena Walters, has just returned to PSU as an assistant volleyball coach. I knew her in junior hi, and then she goes to Penn State and sets all sorts of records in volleyball. It is a large world, but there are Penn State supporters all over it. I watched the basketball team beat Florida in the NIT two nights ago. What is nice is that our athletes have a higher graduation rate than the students at large. We are very proud of the university for so many reasons.